Engineering News STALFORM
Happy New Year!
Technology Solutions of "Stalform Int" - for the construction of the first building in Russia by project Norman Foster
STALFORM Int produced an auditing system to serve the bridge spans
In St.Petersburg for the construction of the central section of the Western High-Speed Diameter (WHSD) received new equipment for the finishing and service spans of bridges. The main difference between mechanized scaffolding FORMEC from similar audit systems — is completely independent driving roller bearings with floating suspension system. With this design the scaffolding FORMEC can not only free to change the trajectory of motion in accordance with the geometry of the superstructure, but also easy to overcome irregularities riding paths.
Formwork STALFORM for a new subway station in Nizhny Novgorod
STALFORM's Formwork for the construction of the stadium for the World Cup in 2018 in Nizhny Novgorod
One of the first piers of the Crimean Bridge was built in the formwork STALFORM
On the Tuzla headland with application of FORMEC formwork system are built the first permanent supports of the future transport crossing from Russia’s mainland to the Crimean Peninsula. Concreting of each support requires more than thousand cubic meters of concrete.
STALFORM Int helps to build faster
In construction of the Western High-Speed Diameter (WHSD) in St. Petersburg, was completed concreting of all piers of Double Deck Bridge across the Sea Channe. In order to reduce construction time, STALFORM Int had expediently manufactured, and delivered to the construction site located at Kanonersky Island, an extra set of all-metal formwork for the piers caps.
Currently, at the unique construction of the bridge over the main ship channel is in full swing carried out incremental launching of double-deck spans. Already in August of 2016 the high-speed highway should be put into active operation.
Happy New Year!
Dear friends!
Company STALFORM Int congratulates all its colleagues and partners with the new 2016 year! We wish you the coming year interesting and promising projects. Let your homes of peace, happiness and prosperity!
New Weather Protection systems for all-seasons construction bridges and overpasses
By company STALFORM Int is introduced a new system of framework-canvass shelters for servicing construction needs of bridges, road junctions and other linearly — extended construction assignments. The system is like a universal «lego» with a quick-release coupling. It makes it possible to assemble, from one set of modules, can be assembled, a framework of protective shelters of different sizes and configurations. The first sets of the new thermal protection units are already being used in construction of the Western High-Speed Diameter (WHSD) in St.Petersburg, during concreting of spans of overpasses, road junctions and other construction sections with complex geometry and varying the width of the carriageway.
Frame formwork STATICO Snz had proved its reliability
Reconstruction of the Zvenigorodsky overpass was completed ahead of the planned schedule, informs the press — release service of the City Mayor. In fact, the road bridge above the Moscow Little Ring Railway was built anew. For construction of the reinforced concrete overpass — exit in the direction of Zvenigorodsky Avenue, was used the STATICO Szn formwork system on galvanized steel frames. High strength of the system with precise layout of the formwork, prepared by STALFORM Int’s specialists, as well as a strict adherence to the directions concerning of layered concreting by the contractor — the company «TVA Group», had ensured safety of concreting works and decrease of time for construction of the overpass.
Movement on Moscow Ring Road will become faster
It is completed construction of the right-turn lane of the exit ramp from internal/interior side of the Moscow Ring Road at the Ryazan Avenue leading towards the city center.
For concreting of the reinforced composite spans of the overpass, STALFORM Int had used a new, more cost-effective system of cantilever beams, developed by its designers. Construction of directional exits instead of “clover-type” junctions will allow to increase the traffic capacity of the Moscow Ring Road and improve transport accessibility to Nekrasovka, Lyubertsy, Zhulebino and other areas located outside the Moscow Ring Road.
In Krasnoyarsk is opened traffic on the Fourth Bridge
In Krasnoyarsk, is opened traffic on the fourth road bridge across Yenisei river. For duration of three years, the company STALFORM Int was working in close cooperation with its regular customer, the company «Sibmost»: was designing and suppling formwork systems for construction of piers and spans of entry ramps and multi-level junctions.
Incremental launching of slabs on Schelkovskoe Highway Superstructure is completed
On Shchelkovo highway in Moscow was completed concreting of the 547-meter overpass. The monolithic spans were built by the cyclic incremental launching method (LIM) using the FORMEC formwork system. The contractor, company "Spetstransmonolit".The work was conducted in a densely populated urban areas without stopping traffic and within requirements of a very tight schedule.
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