Engineering News STALFORM
The Construction of the Fourth bridge over the Yenisei in Krasnoyarsk entered into its final stage
According to STALFORM Int’s specialists of technical supervision, who were directed to the construction site of the fourth road bridge in Krasnoyarsk, now on the left bank of the Yenisei River in full swing is performed concreting of the roadway slab of the multi-level interchanges with the Dubrovinsky street. For conduct of work is used the STALFORM’s special formwork system for console and inter beams sections of the combined superstructures. Total length of the left-bank overpasses will be 2.3 km.
Ongoing concreting of the superstructure on the Volokolamsk highway overpass
Construction of the overpass on the Volokolamsk highway is concreted the next section of the span — between the 8th and 10th pylons on the right side of the overpass. Before the start of concrete placement, specialists of the STAFORM’s with representatives of the general contractor – Ltd. "GlavStroyGrupp" has been auditing compliance of the formwork with requirements of the project at the current section of the project.
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