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Engineering News STALFORM
It is completed construction of the right-turn lane of the exit ramp from internal/interior side of the Moscow Ring Road at the Ryazan Avenue leading towards the city center. Length of the overpass is 178 m. Construction of directional exits instead of «clover-type» junctions will allow to increase the traffic capacity of the Moscow Ring Road and improve transport accessibility to Nekrasovka, Lyubertsy, Zhulebino and other areas located outside the Moscow Ring Road.
For concreting of the composite spans of overpass, STALFORM Int offered a new, more cost-effective cantilever-beam system, which is based on the universal system FORMEC. Cantilever-beams, which are supporting the formwork, do not consist of three, as usual, but only of two linear force elements. The third-party of the power «triangle» functions, are taken over by the superstructure’s steel beams. This design allowed the construction company «DeltaMostMonolit» to reduce, significantly the costs of the formwork.
We are reminding that at the Ryazanski Avenue, the overpass was built within the City’s Reconstruction Program were as General Contractor is appointed Obyedinenie ENGEOCOM. In addition to the right-hand overpass at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road, Company STALFORM Int had prepared the designed and supplied formwork for the turning — circled overpass near the «City» shopping mall. All work on this section of the Ryazan Avenue must be, as well, to be completed before the end of the year.