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Engineering News STALFORM
On the Tuzla headland with application of FORMEС formwork system are built the first permanent supports of the future transport crossing from Russia’s mainland to the Crimean Peninsula. Concreting of each support requires more than thousand cubic meters of concrete.
Assembly of the formwork is carried out in accordance with the layout presented by STALFORM Engineering’s designers. In order to solve technical issues at the construction site of the Crimean bridge are working STALFORM’s specialists.
Construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait in Tuzla area is conducted by KTF "Mostootryad 46", a branch of PJSC "Mostotrest". For acceleration of the pace of construction works on the pylons, in the nearest time to the construction site will be added an additional set of FORMEC formwork.
It should be mentioned, that the bridge across the Kerch Strait – is one of the most complex engineering structures in the Russian Federation. On 595 monolithic piers which are placed parallel to each other, will be laid down automotive and railroad routs. Commissioning of the Crimea bridge is planned in December 2019.